Australian Labradoodle
Don’t be fooled by the Australian Labradoodle’s adorable corkscrew curls and teddybear exterior—this active, fun-loving pup comes from a long line of working dogs. Their favorite “job,” however, is playtime with you. This curly cutie loves nothing more than to run around and explore, so if you’re partial to spending your free time in the Great Outdoors, you’ve met your match; the Australian Labradoodle is as high-energy as you are. And if you ever feel a gentle nipping at your hand, take it as a compliment—you’re part of this retrieving dog’s flock, after all!
4. Height mini, medium and standards from 14-24 inches
5. Coat Length Their coat is long length with soft hair and corkscrew (wavy and curly hair) curls.
6. Coat Color Australian Labradoodle colors vary; they can be black, brown, yellow and varying shades referred to as black, silver, creme, gold, apricot, chocolate, cafe, parchment and lavender. Patterns such as abstract, parti and phantoms are also common
7. Tail Their bushy tail is set high and either found in a saber or arched circle form over the croup (rump).